Our Newest Limited-Edition Plants
HMD Plants (2)

Detailed Projects​

Clients :

Villa Landscaping

Date :

January, 2023


Villa landscaping ,Al Barari , Dubai

Project Overview:

For the Villa Landscaping project, we transformed a private residence into a breathtaking oasis. Our goal was to create a harmonious blend of aesthetics and functionality, turning the villa’s outdoor space into a serene and inviting environment.

Key Features:

  • Custom-designed garden layout featuring a variety of exotic plants and shrubs.
  • Installation of an eco-friendly irrigation system for sustainable plant growth.
  • Implementation of a modern, yet timeless, landscape design that complements the villa’s architecture.

Impact: The project resulted in an enhanced living experience for the residents, providing them with a lush, green retreat for relaxation and entertainment.

Influential and Significant

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nec est sollicitudin, ultricies quam a, tincidunt ligula. Integer quis ante rhoncus, scelerisque massa id, consequat velit. Phasellus eu malesuada sem, a elementum risus. Proin vel diam ac nunc ullamcorper vestibulum. Vivamus vitae facilisis nisi. Aliquam venenatis libero in urna venenatis, eget vulputate ligula feugiat. Vestibulum pulvinar orci id pharetra semper. Vestibulum condimentum ipsum dolor, eget vestibulum quam gravida nec. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla elementum libero sit amet elit dictum vulputate. Praesent dolor lectus, tempus ut consequat non, pulvinar in nulla.

Clients :

Brix Cafe and Bordi Mavi Seafood Restaurant LLC

Date :

January, 2023


Brix cafe and Bordi Mavi seafood restaurant LLc , jumeira 1 ,Dubai

Project Overview:

This dual project involved creating distinct yet complementary plant designs for Brix Cafe and Bordi Mavi Seafood Restaurant. The challenge was to reflect the individual character of each establishment while maintaining a cohesive aesthetic.

Key Features:

  • For Brix Cafe: A cozy, inviting plant setup that creates a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
  • For Bordi Mavi: A more sophisticated, nautical-themed plant arrangement to echo the seafood restaurant’s essence.
  • Careful selection of plants to ensure suitability for indoor settings and alignment with each brand’s image.

Impact: Both establishments experienced an uplift in ambiance, enriching the customer experience and reinforcing their brand identities through our tailored plant designs.

Influential and Significant

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nec est sollicitudin, ultricies quam a, tincidunt ligula. Integer quis ante rhoncus, scelerisque massa id, consequat velit. Phasellus eu malesuada sem, a elementum risus. Proin vel diam ac nunc ullamcorper vestibulum. Vivamus vitae facilisis nisi. Aliquam venenatis libero in urna venenatis, eget vulputate ligula feugiat. Vestibulum pulvinar orci id pharetra semper. Vestibulum condimentum ipsum dolor, eget vestibulum quam gravida nec. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla elementum libero sit amet elit dictum vulputate. Praesent dolor lectus, tempus ut consequat non, pulvinar in nulla.

Clients :

The Guild Restaurant

Date :

January, 2023


The guild restaurant , Brookfield building, DIFC , Dubai

Project Overview:

Our task was to infuse life into The Guild Restaurant located in the iconic Brookfield Building. The aim was to create an ambiance that resonates with the sophistication of the restaurant while adding a touch of greenery.

Key Features:

  • Elegant indoor plant arrangements that align with the restaurant’s chic decor.
  • Installation of vertical gardens to maximize space and create a unique dining atmosphere.
  • Selection of plants that thrive in low-light conditions, ensuring longevity and ease of maintenance.

Impact: The project significantly enhanced the dining experience, offering guests a refreshing and vibrant atmosphere, contributing to the restaurant’s identity and appeal.